Chemical Skin Peels: Medical Grade Chemical Skin Peels
40% Alpha Beta Blend Peel
This peel is designed to aid in refining fine lines, dislodging comedones and impact the papillary dermis and reticular dermis. This leads to dermal changes that will work on synthesis of new collagen. The combination of glycolic acid and salicylic acid will enhance the turnover of cells in the epidermis, resulting in the gentle exfoliation of dead skin. The skin will feel smoother due to the exposure of younger, healthier skin cells and develop a more even skin tone. Collagen and elastin will proliferate in the dermal layer, resulting in the refinement of fine lines. Re-hydration is also a benefit of the use of this product.
A series of 3 to 6 treatments are recommended.
Raspberry Enzyme
Designed to digest dead skin cells, soothe, hydrate and detoxify. Enzymes digest dead skin cells while additional fruit acids increase cellular turnover and assist in tissue repair leaving the skin softer, smoother and a even skin tone.
A series of 3 to 6 treatments are recommended.